Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Freedom and Determinism Essay - 2348 Words
Freedom is a human value that has inspired many poets, politicians, spiritual leaders, and philosophers for centuries. Poets have rhapsodized about freedom for centuries. Politicians present the utopian view that a perfect society would be one where we all live in freedom, and spiritual leaders teach that life is a spiritual journey leading the soul to unite with God, thus achieving ultimate freedom and happiness. In addition, we have the philosophers who perceive freedom as an inseparable part of our nature, and spend their lives questioning the concept of freedom and attempting to understand it (Transformative Dialogue, n.d.). Freedom, or the concept of free will seems to be an elusive theory, yet many of us believe in it implicitly.†¦show more content†¦A determinist believes that even though an individual makes voluntary, conscious decisions, those decisions are influenced by a multitude of determinants. These determinants may include genes, upbringing, culture, current situations, and past experiences, among others. Modern determinists believe determinism promotes tolerance in how we view ourselves and others. Instead of focusing on our own or others’ mistakes, we believe that each individual is doing their best given their particular combination of determinants. Those who believe in free will seek to blame individuals for not making the right decisions or choosing the right thing. Determinists argue that if free will truly existed, all of us would possess health and achieve wealth and happiness. Since none of us have this much control over our lives, we become disillusioned and give up trying, leading to defensive and self-defeating behavior (Gill, 2005). However, the belief in free will or freedom is hard to give up because it is seen as the agent of change. Ancient Greeks based their understanding of freedom by distinguishing between intentional and unintentional action. Socrates’ understanding of human action reflectedShow MoreRelatedFreedom-Determinism Debate1726 Words  |à ‚ 7 PagesThe controversy between freewill and determinism has been argued about for years. Freewill is defined as the belief that our behaviour is under our own control and do not act in response to any internal or external factors. Freewill has been found to have four different conditions and to have freewill at least two conditions must be obtained, these are; people have a choice on their actions, have not been coerced by anything or anyone, have full voluntary and deliberate control of what they do. OneRead MoreNot Freedom And Determinism Can Coexist1425 Words  | 6 PagesCompatibilists and incompatibilists have always disagreed on one issue: whether or not freedom and determinism can coexist. The compatibilist believes that the events in one’s life can be predetermined while the individual can nevertheless have free will, while the incompatibilist believes that one must choose between free will or determinism as both cannot coexist. In this paper, I will argue that even though there may be some faults within the compatibilists ways of thinking, most of their argumentsRead MoreEssay on Freedom-Determinism debate1689 Words  | 7 PagesFreedom-Determinism Debate The controversy between freewill and determinism has been argued about for years. Freewill is defined as the belief that our behaviour is under our own control and do not act in response to any internal or external factors. Freewill has been found to have four different conditions and to have freewill at least two conditions must be obtained, these are; people have a choice on their actions, have not been coerced by anything or anyone, have full voluntary and deliberateRead MoreThe Reconciliation Between Freedom And Determinism1809 Words  | 8 PagesReconciliation Between Freedom and Determinism Determinism is the belief that all events are caused by something that happened before, and according to some philosophers, people have no real ability to make choices or control what happens. However, A.J Ayer discusses the compatibility between freedom and determinism. One of the main concepts that is argued, is the fact that one cannot be compatible with the other simply because if you are determinate, then you cannot be considered free. Freedom is only validRead MoreEssay on Freedom and Determinism in Richard Taylor’s Metaphysics861 Words  | 4 PagesFreedom and Determinism in Richard Taylor’s Metaphysics Metaphysics, as discussed by Richard Taylor, can be defined as the effort to think clearly. In order to contemplate a metaphysical issue, we require data (the common beliefs that people hold about that issue). A metaphysical problem occurs when such data do not agree. To resolve the problem, a theory must be established which removes the conflict by either (a) reconciling the conflicting data, or (b) proving one set of data to be falseRead MoreThe Different Ways Of Which Freedom Can Be Compatible With Determinism1334 Words  | 6 Pages FINAL EXAM 1-Discuss the different ways in which freedom can be compatible with determinism. Answer: According to (Consider Ethics text book on page 224), Freedom and determinism can be compatible with Simple Compatibilism, which according to David Hume, he claimed that ‘’all the puzzles and disputes about free will result from sloppy and confused use of language. Therefore, if we think carefully, and avoid verbal entanglements, thenRead MoreHarry Frankfurt s Arguments For The Compatibilism Of Determinism And Freedom Of Will1578 Words  | 7 Pagesfor the compatibilism of determinism and freedom of will, as presented in Freedom of Will and the Concept of Person and some problems that arise with his reasoning. I will claim that those problems do not come from any propositions central to Frankfurt s argument, but rather from his neglect of the issue of the relationship between freedom of will and moral responsibility. I will argue, that Frankfurt makes an invalid implicit assumption that the connection between freedom and responsibility is biconditionalRead MoreFreedom Versus Determinism Freud Versus Sartre Essay1254 Words  | 6 PagesFreedom versus Determinism In Class Essay The person portrayed in The Scream clearly is in distress, they looked extremely surprised and scared. This is because they have just realized that they have been living in-authentically, that is, they have set certain parameters to live by that has ultimately affected, and taken away , their freedom. This debate about whether or not we have freedom in the decisions that we make is one that Sartre and Freud both are strongly opinionated about. Freud, beingRead MoreThe Scientific Arguments Which Contain Freedom And Soft And Hard Determinism3111 Words  | 13 Pagesextraordinarily complicated machine.†(Wegner, 2002) To answer the question, it requires we define free will and determinism. This question can be approached from numerous directions: From Libet and Wegner’s scientific data as well as metaphysical results and Dennett’s arguments to those results. This essay will study the scientific arguments which contain freedom and soft/hard determinism. The first section of the essay I will provide definitions of the terms and give data presented by Libet and WegnerRead MoreThe True Freedom Of Free Will1180 Words  | 5 Pagesabout freedom is that logically it is something we can possess. Once we take away whatever it is that is holding us back, at our core there is freedom granted to everyone. Exploring the idea of what true freedom is and whether or not we have it we begin to see philosophical theories arise that gives us alternatives to these preconceptions. Freedom, specifically free will, is usually the one thing we believe we have. Even though there are obvious factors affecting us, our free will, or freedom, is
Monday, December 16, 2019
Stefan’s Diaries Origins Chapter 26 Free Essays
I cannot say how long I ran. The night was clear and cold, and my heart felt as though it were pounding in my neck, in my brain, in my feet. I occasionally pressed my hand to the wound on my neck, which was still bleeding. We will write a custom essay sample on Stefan’s Diaries: Origins Chapter 26 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The area was warm to the touch, and I felt dizzy whenever I put my hand on it. With each footstep, a new image appeared in my head: Katherine, bloodstained foam collecting at the corner of her mouth; Father, standing above her with a stake. Memories blurred, so I wasn’t sure whether the red-eyed, shrieking monster who was on the floor was the same person who’d lunged at me with her teeth, who’d caressed me in the pond, who haunted my dreams and my waking hours. I shivered uncontrollably and lost my footing, tripping over a felled branch. I landed on the dirt, on my hands and knees, and retched repeatedly, until the iron-like taste in my mouth disappeared. Katherine was about to die. Father hated me. I didn’t know who I was, or what I should be doing. The entire world was turned upside down, and I felt dizzy and weak, sure that no matter what I did, I would cause destruction. This was all my fault. All of it. If I hadn’t lied to Father and kept Katherine’s secret †¦ I forced myself to catch my breath, then stood up and began running again. As I ran, the scent of the vervain in my pocket filled my nostrils. Its sweet, earthy fragrance wafted through my body, seeming to clear my head and imbue my limbs with a wakeful energy. I turned left on the dirt path, surprised at the course I was choosing, but for the first time in weeks, I felt certain about my actions. I burst into the sheriff’s office, where Sheriff Forbes sat with his feet up on the desk, asleep. In the one holding cell, the town drunk, Jeremiah Black, was snoring loudly, obviously sleeping off a bad night at the saloon. Noah, a young officer, was also nodding off on a wooden chair outside the cell. â€Å"Vampires! There are vampires at Veritas!†I yelled, causing Sheriff Forbes and Jeremiah to simultaneously snap to attention. â€Å"Let’s go. Follow me,†Sheriff Forbes said, grabbing a club and a musket. â€Å"Noah!†he yelled. â€Å"Get the wagon and follow behind with Stefan.†â€Å"Y sir,†Noah said, jumping to his feet. He es, pulled a club from a hook on the wall and passed it to me. Just then, I heard a piercing noise, and I realized that Sheriff Forbes was ringing the alarm outside the sheriff’s office. The bell clanged over and over again. â€Å"I can help. Please?†Jeremiah slurred, both hands on the bars. Noah shook his head and hurriedly ran through the building, his boots echoing against the wooden floor beams. I followed him, stopping to watch as he hastily hitched two horses to a long iron wagon. â€Å"Come on!†Noah called impatiently, holding his whip. I jumped up onto the seat next to Noah and watched as he cracked the whip, causing the horses to gallop at breakneck speed down the hill and into town. People were standing outside their houses in nightclothes and rubbing their eyes, some hitching horses to wagons and coaches. â€Å"Attack at the Salvatore estate!†Noah called, over and over again, until his voice almost broke. I knew I should help. But I couldn’t. Instead, I felt fear grip my heart as the wind whipped my face. I heard the clip-clopping of horses in the distance, and saw doors being flung open and more townspeople in their nightclothes hastily grabbing rifles, bayonets, and any other weapon they could find. As we galloped through town, I noticed the apothecary was closed tightly. Could Anna and Pearl be at home? If so, I needed to give them a warning. No. The word came so strongly, it was as if my father had whispered it in my ear himself. I needed to make things right for me, for the Salvatore name. The only people I cared about were Father and Damon, and if anything happened to them †¦ â€Å"Attack at the Salvatore estate!†I yelled, my voice breaking. â€Å"Attack at the Salvatore estate!†Noah repeated, his words sounding like a chant. I looked up at the sky. The moon was a tiny sliver, and clouds obscured any hint of starlight. But suddenly, as we rode up the hill, I saw Veritas lit up like morning, with a mob of what looked like a hundred people brandishing torches and standing on the steps of the porch, yelling. Pastor Collins stood on the porch swing, calling out prayers, as several people watched him, kneeling on the ground and praying. Next to him was Honoria Fells, yelling to anyone who would listen about demons and repentance. Old Man Robinson was brandishing his torch and threatening to burn down the entire estate. â€Å"Stefan!†Honoria called as I jumped off the wagon before it stopped. â€Å"For your protection,†she said, proffering a branch of vervain. â€Å"Excuse me,†I called hoarsely, as I pushed through the horde, using my elbows, and ran to the carriage house and up the stairs. I heard angry voices from the chambers. â€Å"I will take her! We’ll leave, and you won’t see either of us again!†Damon’s voice, as low and ominous as incoming thunder. â€Å"Ungrateful!†Father roared, and I heard a sickening crack. I bounded up the stairs and saw Damon, slumped against the doorway, a trickle of blood oozing from his temple. The door had cracked from the impact of Damon’s body. â€Å"Damon!†I called, falling onto my knees next to my brother. Damon tried to struggle to his feet. I winced as I saw the blood flooding from his temple. When he turned toward me, his eyes blazed with anger. Father stood, stake in hand. â€Å"Thank you for getting the sheriff, Stefan. Y did the right thing. ou Unlike your brother.†Father reached out toward him, and I gasped, sure he would hit him again. But instead he stretched out his hand. â€Å"Stand up, Damon.†Damon slapped away Father’s hand. He stood on his own, wiping the blood from his head with the back of his hand. â€Å"Damon. Listen to me,†Father continued, ignoring the look of pure hatred on Damon’s face. â€Å"Y were bewitched by the demon †¦ by that ou Katherine. But now she will disappear and you must side with what’s right. I showed you mercy, but these people †¦Ã¢â‚¬ He gestured toward the window and the angry mob beyond it. â€Å"Then let me be killed,†Damon hissed, as he stormed out the door. He brushed past me, hitting me hard with his shoulder as he ran down the stairs. From inside the room, an agonizing shriek emerged. â€Å"Sheriff?†Father called, swinging open the door to Katherine’s chambers. I gasped. There was Katherine, a leather muzzle over her face, her white arms and legs bound together. â€Å"She’s ready,†Sheriff said grimly. â€Å"We’ll take her to the wagon and add her to the list. Gilbert’s got the compass and is rounding up the vampires in town. By daybreak, we will have rid the town of this scourge.†Katherine stared at me, a desperate, pleading expression in her eyes. But what could I do? She was lost to me now. I turned down the stairs and ran. How to cite Stefan’s Diaries: Origins Chapter 26, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Financialisation The Conceptual Framework -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Financialisation The Conceptual Framework? Answer: Introduction Conceptual framework is identified as the theory which is prepared for formulating a body to resolve the practical problems. The important aspect of the conceptual framework is associated to the purposes of the users of the financial statements. The accounting information is able to include the important aspects of the accounting such as assets, liabilities, equity, income, and expenses. Some of the main form of the benefits of the conceptual framework is related to the concepts for acknowledgement and measurement of the financial areas. The study aims to discuss the conceptual framework and financial reporting standard as per IASB. It further aims to discuss on the several types of other qualitative characteristics which are linked to the reporting standards as per IASB. The latter part of the learning of the study is able to address the accounting concepts which are related to the recognition and measure of the conceptual framework (Kalkhouran et al., 2015). Discussion on the conceptual framework and financial reporting standard The conceptual framework for accounting is set with the publications as per the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) formulated with the discussion of the changes pertaining to the conceptual framework as per the financial reporting. The four purposes of the conceptual framework to provide guidance in the development and application of accounting standards are: Firstly, the present conceptual framework in MASB has been seen with IASB to develop IFRS which has considerably improved the financial reporting. Some of the significant amendments of the IASB in 2011 is able to include the revisions of the drafts including the definitions of liabilities and assets, distinction among the liabilities and equity, measurement, comprehensive income, presentation and derecognitions (Sutton, Cordery, van Zijl, 2015). Secondly, the main reason for the expansion of the approved theoretical framework is discerned with the setting of accounting standard built on the resolving of the disputes based on fundamental principles which do not have to be repeated in accounting standards. The significant reasons for the agreement and expansion of the conceptual framework for accounting shows the development of the sound theoretical base for setting the accounting standards as per requirement (A A N Kalkhouran et al., 2015). Thirdly, it is discerned that conceptual framework acts as the reference point to evaluate the existing and the proposed accounting standard which were not covered by the proposed and the existing accounting standard. There have been significant differences associated to the treatment required for the new transactions. There are several instances which has depicted that the accountant is facing considerable amount of pressure due to increased prerequisite for the requirements. It needs to be further understood that the significant nature of the concepts associated to the accounting needs to be addressed with the resolution of the issues in a conceptual framework for the development of the financial report. Fourthly, the development of the conceptual framework of report is further seen to be based on the consideration of the significant measurement of the principles and rules of recognition and measurement. The consideration of the development of the framework for accounting is seen with working on objectives such as Qualitative characteristics and quantitative characteristics. The important consideration for the qualitative characteristics is based on the important assumptions and constraints. In addition to this, the various types of the quantitative parameters of the report is seen to be based on the recognition and measurement of the important accounting concepts (Spraakman Jackling, 2014). Discussion on the qualitative characteristics of useful information The qualitative characteristics of the financial reporting is seen to be based on the concepts which is related to the relevance, understandability, reliability and comparability of the available information. The relevance qualitative factor assists the users to make the predictions on the outcome of the present, past and future events. This also helps the users for confirmation and correcting of the past evaluations as per the feedback value. It ensures the timeliness of the important elements of the relevance which is associated to the change in the judgement of the rational user (Natalia, 2017). The quality factor related to the understandability of the financial information is based on the significant nature of adherence to the relevant principles. The reliability characteristic of the financial report is built on the important considerations of the quality of the information which is directly related to the relevant value of the availability of the financial information. The rel iability characteristics is depicted with the faithful representation, verifiability, completeness and neutrality (Jermakowicz, Reinstein, Churyk, 2014). In addition to this, the qualitative characteristics of the report is able to ensure the faithful representation of the financial report which is seen to be based on the reporting of the actual transactions and the events which effects the firms. It needs to be further understood that the quality of the financial report ensures the transactions and the events are not recorded in their mere legal form. The accountants need to ensure the prudence aspect by considering the factors causing uncertainty and take proper caution while exercising the judgements while making the estimations. The verifiability of the data is considered with the knowledgeable and independent individuals developing the essential measures from examining similar evidence or records. Henceforth, the verifiability aspect is able to focus on measurement which is related to the similar evidences. The qualitative factor of the financial information is able to ensure the independent individuals developing the similar measures and conclusions taken from measurements based on examining of similar evidences (Biondi Soverchia, 2014). The comparability quality of the financial report is able to ensure that the financial statements is able to recognize the real similarities which exists with the real similarities along with the existence of the difference as per the economic phenomena of the firm at one time or between the firm at one time and over time. As per the comparative quality, the financial statements are able to identify the consistency in terms of the measurement and display of the information by the firm one period to another and the existing differences between the same (Craig, Smieliauskas, Amernic, 2014). Discussion on the accounting concept of recognition and measurement Firstly the inclusion of the some of the important concept of recognition and measurement of the economic entity assumption can be identified with revisions of the drafts including the explanations of liabilities and assets, distinction among the liabilities and equity, measurement, comprehensive income, presentation and derecognitions. For example, FASB Issues Exposure Draft On Disclosure Of Going Concern Uncertainties is most of the most popular exposure draft to determine the need for going concern disclosures. Secondly, the theoretical framework is conducive in recognizing the components of earnings which is important for resolving several instance of disputes in accounting and acts as the primary measure of the entity performance. The supervision for the recognition of the accounting principles is related to the understanding of the important recognition criteria to the elements of earnings. It needs to be further understood that the identification for the important recognition elements is related to the revenues, gains, expenses, and losses with those cycles (Zhou, Ou, Li, 2016). The consumption of benefits and the expenses is associated to the same is seen to be included with the different aspects of the revenue earnings until it has been realized or ascended to be realizable. The recognition criteria for the conceptual framework is related to the subjectivity concept of Probability (Ding, Hellmann, De Mello, 2017). For example, a professional accountant shall assess any threats to co mpliance with the fundamental principles when the professional accountant know or could reasonably be expected to know, of circumstances or relationships that may compromise compliance with the fundamental principles. Thirdly, differences associated to the treatment required for the new transactions is considered with the reaction to the uncertainty with the stringent requirement for the historical impacts for the recognition of the revenues and the gains as the component for identifying the expenses and losses. The different types of the conservative reactions are able to affect the guidance for the application and recognition for the important components related to the earnings. The recognition of the revenues and gains is included with the realized or realizable revenue and gains which are generally not recognized as the components of earnings until realized or realizable. For example, The earned revenues are not seen to be included when the entities are having a substantial accomplishment as per the benefits represented by the revenues. The gains are further seen to be less than significant releasable value (Schaltegger Zvezdov, 2015). Fourthly, the important consideration made for the recognition is ensured with the criteria that the financial elements comply with the definition of the elements as per the financial statements. The measurability aspect needs to be relevant with the sufficient reliability aspect of the Qualitative characteristics and quantitative characteristics. (Zhang Andrew, 2014). In addition to this, the fundamental for the measurement of the financial entities are based on definitions, measurability, relevance and reliability. For example the rules of recognition and measurement can vary from historical cost and current market value, net realizable value and present value of the future cash flows (Abela et al., 2014). As per the nature of the item the reliability and relevance of the attributable value is measured. The monetary unit of the measurement for different types of the elements of the financial statement of the accounting is seen to be based on the consideration of variations in the purchasing power of the money over time. The board expects that the nominal units of money which is not considered for the changes in the purchasing power overtime. The board expects that the nominal units of money will continue to measure the items recognised in the financial statements. Summarization of the key points The important assertions as per discourse on the conceptual framework has stated that that conceptual framework acts as the reference point to evaluate the existing and the proposed accounting standard which were not covered by the proposed and the existing accounting standard. The discussions have also inferred that the financial reporting standard have shown adherence to International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) formulated with the discussion of the changes pertaining to the conceptual framework as per the financial reporting. The present conceptual framework in MASB is compliant with IASB to develop the quality IFRS which has considerably improved the financial reporting. The qualitative characteristics of the financial reporting is based on the factors such as relevance, understandability, reliability and comparability of the available information. The qualitative factors of the information are further considered with the knowledgeable and independent individuals opinion on developing the essential similar measures by examining similar evidence or records. The qualitative characteristics of the information is also depicted to be maintained with the reliability characteristics which is depicted with the faithful representation, verifiability, completeness and neutrality. The qualitative factor of the financial information is able to ensure the independent individuals developing the similar measures and conclusions taken from measurements based on examining of similar evidences. Discussion on the accounting concept of recognition and measurement is able to identify the considerations as per the going concern assumption, periodicity assumptions and monetary unit assumptions. The primary reason for the recognition and measurement of the accounting concepts are based on the fundamental for the measurement of the financial entities which are based on definitions, measurability, relevance and reliability. The board assumes that the nominal units of money whi ch will remain to measure the items recognised in the financial statements. The control in recognizing the mechanisms of earnings is important for the primary measure of the entity performance. Conclusion The significant aspects of the learnings from the study has been able to suggest that Malaysian Accounting Standards Board (MASB) is established as per the application of MFRS framework for the annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2012, along with certain exceptions to apply the Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) framework. As per the notification issued on 28 October 2015 entitled amendment to the effective date and applicability of the Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards, which is entitled for the alternative application of the FRSs to comply with the MFRSs beginning on or after 1 January 2018. It needs to be further understood that the board has permitted for the early adoption of the MFRS. As per the explanatory column the consequential amendments to this standard is based on the amendments to another Standard being issued that have an effective date after 1 January 2015. This column has further included the documents which accompanies with the respective standards which are not part of these standards. These are seen to form a part of the IASB 2017 edition of documents accompanying IFRS Standards. The main aspects for the conclusions for the amendment are set as per the standards which are having an effective date on or after 1st January 2017. The illustrative implementation of the guidance is considered with the amendment which are effective after 1 January 2017. References Abela, M., Barker, R., Sommer, R., Teixeira, A., Andr, P. (2014). Towards a New Conceptual Framework: Presentations at the Accounting in Europe and European Accounting Association Financial Reporting Standards Committee Symposium. Accounting in Europe, 11(2), 259271. https://doi.org/10.1080/17449480.2014.959977 Biondi, Y., Soverchia, M. (2014). Accounting Rules for the European Communities: A Theoretical Analysis. Accounting, Economics and Law, 4(3). https://doi.org/10.1515/ael-2013-0063 Craig, R., Smieliauskas, W., Amernic, J. (2014). Assessing conformity with generally accepted accounting principles using expert accounting witness evidence and the conceptual framework. Australian Accounting Review, 24(3), 200206. https://doi.org/10.1111/auar.12039 Ding, Y., Hellmann, A., De Mello, L. (2017). Factors driving memory fallibility: A conceptual framework for accounting and finance studies. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 14, 1422. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbef.2017.03.003 Jermakowicz, E. K., Reinstein, A., Churyk, N. T. (2014). IFRS framework-based case study: DaimlerChrysler - Adopting IFRS accounting policies. Journal of Accounting Education, 32(3), 288304. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaccedu.2014.06.002 Kalkhouran, A. A. N., Rasid, S. Z. A., Sofian, S., Nedaei, B. H. N. (2015). A Conceptual Framework for Assessing the Use of Strategic Management Accounting in Small and Medium Enterprises. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 35(1), 4554. https://doi.org/10.1002/joe.21644 Natalia, I. (2017). The Conceptual Framework of Strategic Management Accounting. Problems of Economy, (1), 195202. Schaltegger, S., Zvezdov, D. (2015). Expanding material flow cost accounting. Framework, review and potentials. Journal of Cleaner Production, 108, 13331341. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.08.040 Spraakman, G., Jackling, B. (2014). A conceptual framework for learning management accounting. Accounting Perspectives, 13(1), 6181. https://doi.org/10.1111/1911-3838.12024 Sutton, D. B., Cordery, C. J., van Zijl, T. (2015). The Purpose of Financial Reporting: The Case for Coherence in the Conceptual Framework and Standards. Abacus, 51(1), 116141. https://doi.org/10.1111/abac.12042 Zhang, Y., Andrew, J. (2014). Financialisation and the Conceptual Framework. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 25(1), 1726. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpa.2012.11.012 Zhou, Z., Ou, J., Li, S. (2016). Ecological Accounting: A Research Review and Conceptual Framework. Journal of Environmental Protection, 7(April), 643655. https://doi.org/10.4236/jep.2016.75058
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Great Gatsby Essays (804 words) - The Great Gatsby,
The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a classic- a novel complete with characters, setting, and symbolism that all contribute to the theme of the novel. The concept that people deny reality to see only what they wish to see is one that is present in history, current events, and literature, and more specifically, in The Great Gatsby. Characters in The Great Gatsby have a difficult time seeing past their own hopes and dreams and into the truths of what is happening. Daisy Fay ignores reality; in fact, Daisy herself is pictured as unreal. She flutters and floats about the room, and seems ?buoyed up [on the couch] as though upon an anchored balloon? (12). Daisy cannot admit that her daughter is real- she refers to her as [A] dream...[an] absolute little dream'? (123). Tom Buchanan is an extremely ignorant man who cannot come to terms with his own stupidity. He tries to prove his intelligence by reading ?all scientific? (17) books that are ?deep? (17) and have ?long words in them? (17). Tom is having an affair with Myrtle Wilson, a would-be upper class woman who is destined to stay on the wrong side of the tracks. She tries to assume a social position by having an affair with Tom, who has extraordinary wealth and a magnificent social standing. She pretends to be of a high class several times; she ?raise[s] her eyebro ws in despair at the stiflessness of the lower orders [and says,] ?These people! You have to keep after them all the time'?(36). Her husband George is equally delusional as he tries to ignore his wife's affair. Because he lives in the valley of ashes, he is covered in and taken over by the ashes. He fades into the valley, into nothingness, and out of reality. Mr. Henry Gatz, father of Jay Gatsby, emerges at Gatsby's funeral, unable to accept the fact that his young Jimmy has transformed into Jay Gatsby. He holds onto ?a photograph of the house, cracked in the corners and dirty with many hands? (180), a memory of how life was, and how Gatz still perceives it to be. The photograph is ?more real to him than the house itself? (180). Jay Gatsby, in turn, is also living in a dream. He is determined to win Daisy's love, and his entire life is wrapped around the single hope Nowadly 2 that she will yearn for him as well. His entire life is just a stage set up to convince Daisy of his love for her. Even after Daisy declares her love for Tom, Gatsby still watches over her, waiting, ?watching over nothing? (153). He cannot accept that his fantasy is over, that Daisy loves another man. The idea that most people are in denial of reality is one that can be related to past and current events. The Titanic was a magnificent ship that set sail in April of 1912. It was an enormous ship, capable of holding thousands of passengers. But the designers made one small error: they did not put enough lifeboats on the Titanic to save all of its travelers. The designers, builders, and captains of the ship all agreed that, because Titanic was the largest, most magnificent ship ever built, it was simply indestructible. They were proven wrong as Titanic hit an iceberg and proceeded to sink to the bottom of the ocean, making theirs one of the largest mistakes ever made in history. Politicians can be great liars and can live deluded lives, but eventually it will catch up to them. In the 1800's, the North and South of the United States were arguing over Missouri's admission to the Union: should it be admitted as a slave state or a free state? Henry Clay came up with a compromise that allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state and Maine to enter as a free state, pleasing both the North and South. Only Thomas Jefferson saw the problem with this compromise: it merely prolonged the fight by momentarily calming a dispute. The rest of Congress decided to ignore the soon-to-be tremendous problem. Most recently, President Clinton was accused of having an affair with Monica Lewinsky, an
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Overview of Systemic Functional Linguistics
Overview of Systemic Functional Linguistics Systemic functional linguistics is the study of the relationship between language and its functions in social settings. Also known as SFL, systemic functional grammar, Hallidayan linguistics, and systemic linguistics. Three strata make up the linguistic system in SFL: meaning (semantics), sound (phonology), and wording or lexicogrammar (syntax, morphology, and lexis). Systemic functional linguistics treats grammar as a meaning-making resource and insists on the interrelation of form and meaning. This study was developed in the 1960s by British linguist M.A.K. Halliday (b. 1925), who had been influenced by the work of the Prague School and British linguist J.R. Firth (1890-1960). Examples and Observations SL [systemic linguistics] is an avowedly functionalist approach to language, and it is arguably the functionalist approach which has been most highly developed. In contrast to most other approaches, SL explicitly attempts to combine purely structural information with overtly social factors in a single integrated description. Like other functionalist frameworks, SL is deeply concerned with the purposes of language use. Systemicists constantly ask the following questions: What is this writer (or speaker) trying to do? What linguistic devices are available to help them do it, and on what basis do they make their choices?(Robert Lawrence Trask and Peter Stockwell, Language and Linguistics: The Key Concepts. Routledge, 2007)that language use is functionalthat its function is to make meaningsthat these meanings are influenced by the social and cultural context in which they are exchangedthat the process of using language is a semiotic process, a process of making meaning by choosing.Four M ain ClaimsWhile individual scholars naturally have different research emphases or application contexts, common to all systemic linguists is an interest in language as social semiotic (Halliday 1978)how people use language with each other in accomplishing everyday social life. This interest leads systemic linguists to advance four main theoretical claims about language:These four points, that language use is functional, semantic, contextual and semiotic, can be summarized by describing the systemic approach as a functional-semantic approach to language.(Suzanne Eggins, An Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics, 2nd ed. Continuum, 2005) Three Kinds of Social-Functional NeedsAccording to Halliday (1975), language has developed in response to three kinds of social-functional needs. The first is to be able to construe experience in terms of what is going on around us and inside us. The second is to interact with the social world by negotiating social roles and attitudes. The third and final need is to be able to create messages with which we can package our meanings in terms of what is New or Given, and in terms of what the starting point for our message is, commonly referred to as the Theme. Halliday (1978) calls these language functions metafunctions and refers to them as ideational, interpersonal and textual respectively.Hallidays point is that any piece of language calls into play all three metafunctions simultaneously.(Peter Muntigl and Eija Ventola, Grammar: A Neglected Resource in Interaction Analysis? New Adventures in Language and Interaction, ed. by Jà ¼rgen Streeck. John Benjamins, 2010)Choice as a Basic Sy stemic Functional ConceptIn Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) the notion of choice is fundamental. Paradigmatic relations are regarded as primary, and this is captured descriptively by organizing the basic components of the grammar in interrelated systems of features representing the meaning potential of a language. A language is viewed as a system of systems, and the linguists task is to specify the choices involved in the process of instantiating this meaning potential in actual texts through the resources available for expression in the language. Syntagmatic relations are viewed as derived from systems by means of realization statements, which for each feature specify the formal and structural consequences of selecting that particular feature. The term choice is typically used for features and their selection, and systems are said to display choice relations. Choice relations are posited not only at the level of individual categories such as definiteness, tense and number but also at higher levels of text planning (as in, e.g., the grammar of speech functions). Halliday often stresses the importance of the notion of choice: By text . . . we understand a continuous process of semantic choice. Text is meaning and meaning is choice (Halliday, 1978b:137).(Carl Bache, Grammatical Choice and Communicative Motivation: A Radical Systemic Approach. Systemic Functional Linguistics: Exploring Choice, ed. by Lise Fontaine, Tom Bartlett, and Gerard OGrady. Cambridge University Press, 2013)
Friday, November 22, 2019
Must-Read Entrepreneurial Books For College Students
Must-Read Entrepreneurial Books For College Students Must-read entrepreneurial books for college students Entrepreneurship comes with a number of challenges and deciding to start your own business without any prior experience can be daunting and risky. Having a lucrative idea for the business venture is great but not enough. You will have a lot of obstacles to overcome, but even if you do, this will still not guarantee the success of your business. You will inevitably face many discouraging tough problems along the way, so being prepared for what might come can be a great practice. Learn from the experience of the successful businessmen who wrote about their failures and wins in their books, in order to know how to do it right and what business mistakes to avoid. The Innovator’s Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen This book is revolutionary in its nature. The author approached the idea of company’s success by analyzing why it failed. It reminds that no executive or company is bulletproof, no matter how successful they are. Innovation, Commercialization, and Start-Ups in Life Sciences by James F. Jordan The book investigates how investment is intertwined with the process of delivering innovation. Referring to the real-life examples, the author describes the difficulties which young innovator may face after deciding to commercialize his product on the market. Pitch Your Business like a Pro by Victor Kwegyir If you are a student and would like to start your own business, it is quite likely that you have financial restraints. In such cases, an investor might be of help for your start-up. In order to get one you will have to own a great business pitching style, and if you do not have one at the moment, you will have to learn it. This book will help you acquire your own winning pitching style, and this will serve you good when you get into a serious business world. Speak to Win by Brian Tracy This is another one book that emphasizes the importance of great public speaking skills in a corporate world. Even if your product or idea is brilliant, failing to present what you offer in the best possible persuasive manner can cost you dearly. The author shares with great insights into peoples’ behavior and offers pieces of advice on how to become more confident and grow personally as well as professionally. Gamify: How Gamification Motivates People to Do Extraordinary Things by Brian Burke It is not a secret that in order for the employee to be productive at work, he needs to be motivated. However, many employers do not know how to do it correctly or simply underestimate the importance of the recognition of a job done well. To guide your team effectively, you need to know different encouraging techniques. Many pieces of advice listed in this book will help you lead your team to the success of your business. Setting up a business is always risky, especially if you are a startupper. Yes, you have a lot of determination and energy; you have a great idea and you are eager to present your unique product or service to the world. However, to be ready for the harsh business reality, it is better to be well-prepared. We are sure that the wisdom, which is shared by successful businessmen in the books that we listed, will help you get into the entrepreneurship as smoothly as possible.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
History of Mathematics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
History of Mathematics - Essay Example The Pythagorean idea of the world was that natural numbers were the answer to the different secrets of humans and matter. They thought that everything was made up of numbers, the reason for what anything was could only be figured out in numbers (Early Concepts of Number and Number Mysticism). For the numbers from 1 to 10, each number has a special property. The number 1 is a monad and stands for unity because it is the cause of the other numbers and in number, mysticism is the number of reason. The number 2 is called a dyad for diversity or opinion and is mystically the first female number (all the even numbers are called female in many early cultures). The number 3 is a triad and means harmony because it adds up unity (number 1) plus diversity (number 2) and is considered the first male number (all the odd numbers are male in many early cultures). Number 4 is the number for justice or the squaring of accounts (number 2 squared). Number 5 is for marriage because the number 2 (first female) plus the number 3 (first male) equals the number 5. Number 6 is for creation because the number 2 (first female) plus the number 3 (first male) plus 1 more monad equals 6. The Number 10 is for the Universe because as tetractys it is the sum of all possible dimensions in geometry.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The website has the right to choose the topic Essay
The website has the right to choose the topic - Essay Example Since the company believes in the value of people and their engagement, the researcher proposes the conduct of an Employee Opinion Survey to gauge the best ways of increasing productivity within the company and to enhance communication and teamwork among employees. Briefly, the survey is a pulse of employees' opinions about various facets of work such as job fulfillment, leadership and management, supervision, teamwork, among others. Purpose The purpose of this report is to validate the work-related issues that exist within Wausakee Composites, so that appropriate recommendations may be made towards improving the productivity of its workforce. The intent is to arrive at honest employee opinions to dovetail strategies for addressing areas for improvement, and further leverage on strengths. The data shall also serve as valuable input to the design of future people programs of its Human Resources Department. Forecast The following components shall be presented in the current report: 1) Problem; 2) Findings; 3) Recommendations; 4) Conclusions; and 5) Closing. I am more than willing to discuss the results of the survey with you to enable more effective deployment of the recommendations. Executive Summary Purposes of the Report The current report is meant to ascertain the work-related issues which affect the productivity of Wausakee Composites employees. This has been done through an assessment of the following work-related factors, as follows: corporate pride and commitment; job fulfillment; training and growth; management and supervision; leadership; tangible rewards and benefits; work life balance; teamwork and collaboration; work place and resources; and overall satisfaction. The intent is to put forth recommendations which may address improvement areas identified from the survey. Research The main research tool that was used is a survey instrument. The means of each statement presented in the tool were computed, and these were the bases for the recommendations. Recommendations Based on the results of the survey, the lowest rated clusters are compensation and benefits; training and development; and work life balance. The recommendations of the report revolved around these areas. Introduction Wausaukee Composites is a company which produces fiberglass products, and boasts of distinguished customer portfolio, mainly because of its exceptional capacity to delight its customers. It produces composite plastic and fiber glass parts to greater than 35 OEM clients worldwide. The length of patronage of their customers is at least a decade on average. The company has been successful at earning the praise of its customers because of its capability of delivering high quality products while being cost efficient at the same time. The present report gauges various work-related factors that may influence the productivity of Wausakee Composite’s workforce. Forecast The present report shall have the following components and subcomponents: 1) Problem a ) Background Information b) Detailed Description of the Problem c) The Importance of Focusing on Employee Opinion d) Purpose of the Project 2) Research a) Surveys 3) Recommendations 4) Conclusions Background Information Wausaukee Composites leads in the OEM manufacture of various equipment, including construction,
Saturday, November 16, 2019
High Renaissance Essay Example for Free
High Renaissance Essay High Renaissance art in Florence, Italy did not last very long, but made an enormous impact on the art world. In the paintings of this era, artists put emphasis on personality and the mental state. Perspective, classical cultures, and anatomy were of a greater interest to the artists of this era. The analysis of Guido Renis Portrait of Cardinal Roberto Ubaldino, Papal Legate to Bologna, Leonardo Da Vincis Mona Lisa, Michaelangelos David, and Raphaels Baldassare Castiglione could offer insight into the paintings of the High Renaissance artists in Italy with respect to personality and the mental state, detail, and use of color. â€Å"High style†was the mainstay of this period of the Renaissance. High style art was characterized as the idealistic, perhaps heavenly. High style had a respect for ancient imperial standards of wealth, magnificence, and grandeur. (Emison, xxx) During the Early Renaissance, artists had to choose between realism and spirituality. During the Early Renaissance, figures were painted to look so real that many thought they lost their spirituality. From then on, an artist had to choose to either make his figures realistic or spiritual. When the High Renaissance began, Leonardo Da Vinci believed that an artist did not have to make that choice. For example, when Da Vinci painted the Last Supper, he made the figures in his painting realistic, however the figures had an undeniable spirituality about them. Da Vinci did not choose between realism and spirituality, he used both. (â€Å"High Renaissance†) The High Renaissance lasted from about 1490 to 1530. This era unfolded amidst a fury of mounting political and religious tension. This affected artists, as well as patrons of the arts, throughout Italy. Political tensions were high. In 1512, Copernicus determined that the sun, not the earth, was the center of the universe. Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas in 1492 and Magellan circumnavigated the world in 1522, which dismissed the idea of a flat earth. All of these discoveries changed many assumptions about human life and rocked the foundation of theology. (â€Å"Italian High Renaissance Period†) In those years, the masters created a new profession with its own rights of expression and its own character. Regional differences existed during this time, not only between Northern Europe and Italy, but within Italy, with the leading artistic centers being Rome and Florence. During the High Renaissance period in Italy, most artists worked for the papacy. These artists explored an interest in perspective, personality, and anatomy that became the main characteristics of the High Renaissance era. In Florence, artists emphasized preliminary drawings, based on careful and detailed preparation, before the painting began, whereas in other parts of Europe, artists just began painting. This is part of the reason why so many regard Italian Renaissance art as the finest art in the world. (Kleiner, 579-623) This artistic period represented a culmination. The High Renaissance artists took all of the artistic explorations of the Proto-Renaissance artists, which flourished during the Early Renaissance, and used these explorations to its full capability. (Esaak) Guido Renis Portrait of Cardinal Roberto Ubaldino, Papal Legate to Bologna was painted in 1627. Oil on canvas and 77 ? by 58 ? inches, it resides at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. The subject was placed in front of a purple cloth, which insinuated honor, next to a velvet-covered table. The subject had obviously been writing, noting the letter and quill pen in the inkwell. The room opened to the left, revealing a courtyard. Rich colors, depth, and great detail add to the perception of the artist and the personality of the subject. The juxtaposition of the brightly-colored clothing with the dark background keeps the viewers eye on the subject. The subject looks thoughtful, looking at the viewer, giving the air of an intelligent man. Great detail was used by Reni. For example, the flecks of white in the subjects beard, the lines on his hands, the patterns and sheen of the clothing, and the fringe on the bottom of the chair shows that Reni wanted to capture every aspect of the subjects personality. It shows that the subject enjoyed the finer things in life, while looking perhaps within himself for the answers to lifes mysteries. Raphaels Baldassare Castiglione, painted around 1514, oil on canvas, with the dimensions of 2 6 ? †by 2 2 ? †, typifies High Renaissance portraits in the attention the artist paid to the subjects personality and mental state. The painting makes use of muted tones and Raphael favored clarity over obscurity. The muted tones fit the mood and temper of the subject. (Kleiner, 587, 623) The subjects facial features are clear, lending to the notion that Raphael focused on the subjects personality. The subject is dressed soberly, yet splendidly, and looks directly at the viewer. He has a thoughtful and kind gaze. This shows his humanity and lends an emotional openness to the painting. The subject looks sensitive and vulnerable, and his clothing suggest a certain softness to his character. This gives the viewer the feeling that the subject is equal to the viewer. The subject seems open enough to sit with and have an intellectual conversation. (Jones) Leonardo Da Vincis Mona Lisa, painted in the sixteenth century, is an oil painting on poplar panel. The painting depicts a woman with an ambiguous expression. This work has been at the center of study, scrutiny, parody, and myth for many years because of the fascination with the mysterious woman. The subjects expression seems mischievous, and she is looking directly at the viewer, a quality of High Renaissance art. The colors are dark, lending to the mysterious notion of the woman subject. The subject is seated on a marble chair, and behind her, a body of water with some rocks visible create the backdrop. The juxtaposition of the dark background and the skin of the subject tends to keep the viewers eye on the subject. Michelangelos David statue, carved from a single piece of marble and finished in 1504, is the representation of physical male perfection. The Cathedral of Florence commissioned Michelangelo to sculpt the statue from a block of marble that was originally from another project. David was to originally be put up on top of one of the buttresses of the Cathedral, however, when the sculpture was finished, they decided to put it in front of the main government building in Florence, Italy. (â€Å"Michelangelo, David, 1501-4†) All of these artworks are portraits. An great artist who paints portraits must have the skill necessary to depict something beyond its physical appearance to convey the subjects life and character. All of these artists imbued their works with psychological insight and authenticity that other artists of the day could not match. This is what made these particular artworks part of the High Renaissance era of Italy. (â€Å"Captured Emotions†, 3) Figures in portraits that were painted during the Early Renaissance were in profile and cut off at the bust. This was not so with portraits of the High Renaissance. These portraits, such as the Mona Lisa and Baldassare Castiglione, were not painted in profile, but with the face frontal, and the shoulders ? , with hands included. This was done instead of the profile because when the face is frontal, the viewer gets a better sense of the subjects personality. This revealing of the personality in paintings was a main interest during the High Renaissance and in artwork since. (â€Å"Leonardos Mona Lisa†) As was explained through these four examples, High Renaissance art in Florence, Italy focused on subjects personality and minds. The artists wanted to capture what the subject was really like and how they thought. The point of the High Renaissance was to delve deeper, to bring out qualities, not only in the subject, but also in technique and color use, that made the work stand out and say something. High Renaissance artwork has influenced the world of art ever since. For example, when children sit to have their school photo taken, they sit the way the subject in the Mona Lisa did. These works have withstood the test of time and continue to provide insight into not only the subjects personalities and minds, but also the artists.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Failure of Technology in White Noise by Don Delillo Essay -- White
The Failure of Technology in White Noise by Don Delillo One particularly unfortunate trait of modern society is our futile attempt to use technology to immunize ourselves against the fear of death. The failure of technology in this regard is the general subject of Don Delillo''s book White Noise. Throughout this novel, technology is depicted as the ominous messenger of our common fate, an increasing sense of dread over loss of control of our lives and the approach of inevitable death in spite of the empty promises of technology. In this essay I will examine Delillo''s portrayal of technology and its role in our society. The title of Delillo''s book, White Noise, reminds one of an electronic static of the sort encountered on television when a station goes off the air. But I think white noise can also refer to the indiscriminate flow of information we are exposed to on a daily basis in our modern society, that which ultimately destroys the immediacy of real life. If you see enough people gunned down on television, enough mangled bodies in twisted cars, enough violence, destruction and despair in the newspapers, you grow numb to it. In one sense, I think this is what White Noise is. Have you seen those devices they sell for insomniacs? They are white noise generators intended to put us to sleep. White noise is sound at all frequencies broadcast indiscriminately, and that is what Delillo hints that television and the modern media are doing to us now. The indiscriminate flood of information is not making our society more aware; rather, it is putting us all to sleep. White Noise is a book obsessed with death at the hands of our own technology. The protagonist is a middle aged man who is the chairman of a department of Hitle... ...e novel where the products on the supermarket shelves are quietly rearranged, throwing a sense of shock and panic into the shoppers (i.e. the masses) until they can adjust to the new system. After surviving the initial traumatic change, we see the shoppers quickly resume their mindless lives on the road to death, comfortably numb and smugly secure. This is a sad indictment of what life in this twentieth century is for our media and technology-manipulated American society. Delillo''s analysis implies, then, that safety can only be found in conformity and a dead life dictated by others. Furthermore, life is only really experienced at its fullest in the random moments when the "white noise" breaks down and becomes silent momentarily, only to quickly arise and embrace us once again in its death grip. Works Cited: DeLillo, Don. White Noise. London: Picador, 1986.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Design of Byzantine Churches
CASE AREASIn this survey three Byzantine Churches from KadA ±kalesi ( Anaia ) , BaAYpA ±nar and Aigai were selected as the instance countries to analyze the features of wall pictures from Byzantine period in Western Anatolia ( Figure 1 ) .Figure 1. Location of Anaia, BaAYpA ±nar and Aigai ( Beginning: Ramsey 1890 )1. KadA ±kalesi ( Anaia ) KadA ±kalesi is an ancient colony located in Davutlarlar in the South of KuAYadasA ± – AydA ±n. It is located 8 kilometer from the Centre of KuAYadasA ± . The site is surrounded by gazebos at the present ( Figure 2 ) . KadA ±kalesi is an upstate palace built in 12th century AD. It is a portion of Byzantine circle of defence against Turks. The ancient name of KadA ±kalesi has been identified as Anaia. KadA ±kalesi ( Anaia ) was founded in a location opposing Samos Island that controls the Samos Strait. It was bordered by Ephesos in the North and Miletos ancient metropolis in the South.Figure 2. Aerial exposure of KadA ±kalesi ( WEB1 )Anaia is situated on a burial mound dating back to the prehistoric ages. Earliest ruins in KadA ±kalesi is dated to late chalcolithic period. Six different colony strata from late chalcolithic to Byzantine have been determined by diggings ( Akdeniz 2007 ) . These are: Stratum I- Islam-Byzantine ( Anaia ) Stratum II- Ancient Greece-Roman Empire Stratum III- Late Bronze Age ( three stages ) Stratum IV- Middle Bronze Age Stratum Va- Early Bronze Age III Stratum Vb- Early Bronze Age II Stratum Vc- Early Bronze Age I Stratum VI- Late Chalcolithic Age Name Anaia is first seen in the list of taxpaying towns of Attic-Delos Union in the first half of the 5 century BC. There is a deficiency of cognition for the Hellenistic period of Anaia. A temple dedicated to Hera had been present in Anaia in the Roman period ( 2neodymium– 3rdcentury AD ) . By the acceptance of Christianity as the official faith in 4Thursdaycentury AD Anaia had been an episcopate centre. In 13Thursdaycentury Anaia had been promoted to archbishop centre. The metropolis was transferred to the Genosians in 1261. Through the undermentioned 50 old ages the metropolis was occupied by the Genosians, the Venetians, the Catalans and the Turks. Anaia was captured by the Turks in the early 1300s. In the fourteenth century the country was under the regulation of AydA ±noglu Emirate and so in the fifteenth century it became under the regulation of Ottomans ( Mercangoz 2007 ) . Scientific digging in Anaia began in 2001 under the supervising of Prof.Dr. Zeynep Mercangoz ( Ege University ) . At first the purpose of the digging was to make some glade and allow the palace seen with all its impressiveness. But in 2005 a monumental church-monastery composite was uncovered. The Church has a basilical program with three naves and an apsis. Apse of the church is next to fortress wall. There is a five stepped brick synthronon in the apsis. On the west terminal of the church there are an esonarthex ( interior narthex ) and an exonarthex ( outer narthex ) that enclose the esonarthex at three sides. On the southeast corner of the esonarthex a chapel is located next to east wall of exonarthex and south wall of nave. There is a cistern associated with the church on the West of exonarthex ( Figure 3, 4 ) . Brick and rubble rock had been used in rows in masonry of church.Figure 3. Partial program of the church composite ( WEB 2 )Figure 4. Nave of the churchThe church has be en decorated with wall pictures which merely a little fragment is present. The most preserved pictures are located on the nathex walls, synthronon walls and trefoil planned infinite at the West of exonarthex ( Figure 5 ) .Figure 5. Wall painting fragments on the walls of a: esonarthex, B: nave, degree Celsius: synthrononA infrastructure located under the apsis of the church was uncovered during 2012 diggings. This infinite can be reached through an arched gap on the eastern terminal of the north frontage of the church. The walls of the infrastructure were built with cut rock blocks. Brick was used for the building of the vault. At a ulterior period a brace of buttresses and arches were added for support of the vault ( Figure 6 ) . The vault of the infrastructure has been decorated with intensive wall pictures ( Figure 7 ) .Figure 6. General position of the infrastructure. A: from North to south, B: from South to northFigure 7. Wall pictures on the vault of the infrastructure2. BaAYp A ±nar Mount Nif is located on the E of A °zmir Bay. It is bordered with KemalpaAYa lowland on the North, Karabel sound on the E and TorbalA ± lowland on the E. Former name of the Mount Nif was Olympos. Although there are many ruins of different civilizations dated from the eight century BC to the 13 century AD, most of them are from Hellenistic and Byzantine periods ( Tulunay 2008 ) . The first Archaeological diggings began in 2006 in Mount Nif. Excavations continues on four different colonies which are Karamattepe, BallA ±caoluk, DaAYkA ±zA ±lca and BaAYpA ±nar ( Figure 8 ) . An antediluvian colony which was used as cemetery at Hellenic period in Karamattepe, munition walls in BallA ±caoluk, a cemetery in DaAYkA ±zA ±lca and a Byzantine composite in BaAYpA ±nar was discovered ( Tulunay 2008 ) .KaramattepeBallA ±caolukDaAYkA ±zA ±lcaBaAYpA ±narFigure 8. Excavation countries of Nif ( Olympus ) Mountain Research and Excavation Project ( WEB 3 )Figure 9. General position of BaAYpA ±nar ChurchBaAYpA ±nar is located on the southeasterly incline of Mount Nif. Excavations on BaAYpA ±nar began in 2007 as a portion of â€Å"Nif ( Olympus ) Mountain Research and Excavation Project†under the supervising of Prof.Dr. Elif Tul Tulunay ( A °stanbul University ) . Ruins on BaAYpA ±nar is a Byzantine composite of two next churches and a chapel located on the South of churches ( Figure 9 ) . The church on the North ( Building A ) is a three aisled basilica with a apsis which is round from inside and polygonal from outside ( Tulunay 2012 ) . The church is 20*17 m in dimension. The church on the South ( Building B ) has a cross-in-square program with three round apsiss ( YalcA ±n 2011a ) . There is a simple synthronon in the cardinal apsis. Narthex is located on the West of churches.Figure 9. Aerial Photograph of Church compositeBrick and rubble rock had been used in rows in masonry of churches ( Figure 10a ) . Although the floor covering of the churches was damaged by illegal diggings in some parts â€Å"opus sectile†covering is preserved ( Figure 10b ) . Constructing A had been decorated with intensive wall pictures which merely a little portion survived today ( Figure 10c, 10d ) . These pictures represent different edifice phases du e to two different completing beds ( Figure 10e ) . Paintings are by and large cosmetic geometric bordures and conventionalized flowered designs. Harmonizing to the building technique, pallet and cosmetic features of pictures and features of the clayware covered through diggings the church composite is dated to Lascaris Period ( 13Thursdaycentury AD ) ( YalcA ±n 2011b ) .aBdegree Celsiussvitamin Dvitamin EFigure 10. General positions from BaAYpA ±nar Church. a: brick and rubble rock rows in masonry, B: Opus sectile floor covering, c-d: wall picture fragments, vitamin E: plaster beds3. Aigai The ancient metropolis of Aigai was located on Mount Gun at the 2 kilometer South of YunddaAYA ± Koseler Village in Manisa. Aigai was one of the 12 metropoliss of Aeolia founded by Aeolians migrated from Greece and settled in north-west Anatolia ( Strabon 2005 ) . Archaeological diggings indicate that the foundation of Aigai goes back to the first half of the 7th century BC ( DoAYer 2007 ) . Aigai make a base against Iranian laterality in 547 BC and maintained its independency. The metropolis had been dominated by the Kingdom of Pergamon until 133 BC. After that Aigai had been dominated by Roman Empire. Aigai was abandoned due to Arabic foraies in 7th century AD. In 12 – 13th centuries the colony contunied as a little Byzantine fortress on a limited country behind the Iron Gate ( Sezgin 2013 ) .Figure 11. Site program of Aigai ( Source: Bohn and Schuchhardt 1889 )The first research on the Ancient metropolis was carried out by S. Reinach and W.M. Ramsay in 1881. The first dig gings in Aigai was conducted by Gallic research worker M.A. Clerck in the summer of 1882. The most extended survey was conducted by Pergamon digging members R. Bohn and C. Scuchhardt ( Figure 11 ) ( Sezgin 2013 ) . Recent digging ( since 2004 ) in Aigai is carried out by a squad from Ege University Archaeology Department under the presidential term of Prof. Dr. Ersin DoAYer.Figure 12. Agora wall of AigaiFigure 13. Theatre of AigaiThe most of import constructions survived in Aigai are bouleterion, agora, theater, macellum, necropolis, cisterns, Tiberius Gate, Iron Gate and Byzantine Chapel ( Figure 12-13 ) . Byzantine Chapel is located near eastern metropolis wall on the field called the Iron Gate. The Chapel is a simple edifice with a rectangular program ( 12.40*6.20m ) and a individual apsis ( Figure 14 ) . Due to the tomps on the nor'-east corner of the apsis wall, it is thought that the edifice has served as a burial chapel for the little Christian community. Walls are constructed with spolia rock blocks on the outer parts and jumping brick and rock stuff on the inner parts. Mud howitzer is used. Traces of lime plaster are observed on the interior sides of the walls. Byzantine coins and glassy claywares found in chapel during diggings prove that the edifice was in usage in 12 – 13Thursdaycenturies ( DoAYer and Sezgin 2012 ) .Figure 14. Byzantine ChapelMentions Akdeniz, E. 2007. â€Å"KadA ±kalesi KazA ±sA ± Miken BuluntularA ± ( Mycenaean Findings from the Excavations of KadA ±kalesi ) .†Arkeoloji Dergisi1: 35-70. Bohn, R. , Schuchhardt, C. 1889. Altertumer von Aigai. German capital: Georg Reimer. DoAYer, E. 2007. Aigai 2004-2006 YA ±lA ± KazA ±larA ± .In 29. KazA ± SonuclarA ± ToplantA ±sA ± I. 28 May-01 June 2007. DoAYer, E. Sezgin, Y. 2012. Ege Universitesi KazA ±larA ± . A °zmir: Ege Universitesi. Mercangoz, Z. 2007. KuAYadasA ± , KadA ±kalesi KazA ±sA ± 2006 YA ±lA ± CalA ±AYmalarA ± .In 29. KazA ± SonuclarA ± ToplantA ±sA ± I.28 May- 01 June 2007. Ramsey, W.M. 1890.The Historical Geography of Asia Minor. London: John Murray Strabon. 2005.Antik Anadolu CoAYrafyasA ± – Geographika. A °stanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat YayA ±nlarA ± . Sezgin, Y. 2013. â€Å"Aiolis’te Bir DaAY Kenti: Aigai.†Trakya Universitesi Edebiyat Fakultesi Dergisi3/5: 95-116 Tulunay, E.T. 2012. â€Å"Smyrna ( A °zmir ) YakA ±nlarA ±nda Bircok Kulturu BarA ±ndA ±ran DaAY : Nif ( Olympos ) †COLLOQUIUM ANATOLICUM XI:81-99 Tulunay, E.T, 2008. Nif ( Olympos ) DaAYA ± AraAYtA ±rma Projesi: 2007 YA ±lA ± KazA ±sA ± .In 30. UluslararasA ± KazA ± , AraAYtA ±rma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu, Ankara YalcA ±n, A.B. 2011a. â€Å"The Nif ( Nymphaion ) Mountain Project: A new Byzantine Complex Discovered.†A. Nikolov ( ed. ) , In the Proceedings of the 22neodymiumInternational Congress of Byzantine Studies, Sofia August 22-27. YalcA ±n, A. B 2011b â€Å"The Nif Mountain Project: The Byzantine Complex at BaAYpA ±nar.†, The International Scientific Conference ‘Ecclesiastical History Today: Recent Paradigms and New Approaches’ , 297-300. Moscow November 7-9.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Ebook Operations Management Essay
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Thursday, November 7, 2019
buy custom Law Enforcement essay
buy custom Law Enforcement essay The world has in the last couple of months gone through a very tough phase with the recession in The United States of America sending a ripple effect to other countries around the world. It has been difficult for people to maintain their lifestyles on the same salaries they had before while it is even harder for the majority who are jobless. Getting a job is no longer easy and it is made worse by the rise in product prices and the inflation that is spread throughout the world. This has led to numerous protests from people the world over and it has not been different here in the United States. As a result the law enforcement agencies have been having a tough time trying to ensure that peace prevailed amidst of all the demonstrations. Occupy Wall Street are a series of demonstrations that were started by an activist group known as Adbusters in protest of the rise in living costs, corruption in both the government and the large private sector companies, and economic inequality witnessed in America. The protests are also aimed at the financial services sector and at lobbyist and they carry the slogan we are the 99% in reference to the gap between the wealthiest Americans and the rest of the populace (Grossman, 2009). These demonstrations have been held in over 70 cities around USA since the inception in mid-September, 2011. The effect has also been felt in other countries where similar protests have been held. As a community, everyone is affected by the protests taking place all over the plae. It is a tough choice to choose either to join the protests or to sit back and ridicule the protestors. This is because the protests are being held to demonstrate the pain of living today which is what we are all going through. It is therefore important that everyone should contribute to the protests in one way or another since they touch on our current situation. On the other hand, some people may find the protests to be disturbing and uncalled for since they do cause a great deal of disturbance. Those people who live anywhere near the areas where the protests are taking place know just how disturbing they can be. The level of noise is too high and the fact that there are hundreds of people walking around means that there is also a heightened level of insecurity since the protesters are not screened to enter the parks. As such the neighboring community is affected since even businesses closed on the days of protests mainly due to the retailers fears of riots and consequent looting. The government has been on recovery mission to try and reduce the inflation rate that has been a contributor to the protests. Other stakeholders like the financial sector companies have also gone silent or are trying to reduce their lending rates to enable the people who had taken loans especially for their homes to retain them with new repayment plans. The results to such protests need to be felt for the protesters to cease their protests and it is therefore clear that the protests are here to stay since the economy is still recovering albeit slowly. The government and other companies arre also witnessing further losses when the businesses remain closed during protests and more and more people join them leaving their work stations unattended. The police have had a herculean task of maintaining order throughout the protests. In New York, there has been a police officer tasked with advising the protesters on the ways they could keep away from being arrested and assisting in giving any other information relevant to keeping the protesters within the law limits. The city has had to grapple with a sharp rise in the cost of paying overtime charges since they have been deployed to watch the protesters round the clock. In Oakland, violence broke out in the midst of the over 10000 strong crowd and police were forced to make arrests. Similar cases that led to the arrest of numerous protesters were reported in Portland, Boston and Denver. The police have been overwhelmed by the large numbers of protesters who have been rowdy leading to the arrest of several protesters. It maybe the duty of law enforcers to maintain peace but in situations like these, the protesters become too rowdy leading to the police making arrests. In some instances, the police have been forced to use rubber bullets to shoot into the crowds to either disperse the crowds or to arrest some protesters. This obviously is not an easy task and is draining both physically and emotionally for the police. It has therefore not been easy for the law enforcement officers in their quest to offer their services to the populace whilst maintaining law and order. Buy custom Law Enforcement essay
Monday, November 4, 2019
Bahrain Petroleum Company Bapco Commerce Essay
Bahrain Petroleum Company Bapco Commerce Essay The company has a massive capacity of up to 250,000 barrel of refinery per day. Not only is the gigantic storage capacity of more than 14 million barrels available with the company. Not only that the company owns a marine terminal for marketing and sales of its petroleum products. The new areas of oil and gas reserves are monitored and it is calculated that if the reserves is good enough for exploration that is if the output will exceed the cost that might be input on it. Thus there is a continuous search of oil fields that can help the company to increase its output and sales. Drilling and Production: BAPCO uses advanced drilling techniques and methods to pull out the maximum oil output from its reserves. The company is also working hard to foster more gas as per the rising demand of gas around the world for the vehicle operations. The following diagram shows how the drilling process. Company output: BAPCO has the largest refinery in the Middle East. Its refinery gives an output of 250,000 barrels of crude oil per day. The company gets 1/6th of its crude oil output from Bahrain and the rest from the Saudi Arabia through a fixed pipeline which is 27 kms on land and the other 27kms under the sea. The following diagram shows the refining process. Marketing by BAPCO: As stated earlier only 5% of the BAPCO output is sold in the domestic market and the rest 95% is exported to other countries of the world. These include the countries in the Middle East, Far East, South East Asia and India. BAPCO also sells aviation fuel to Bahrain International Airport through its affiliate. The company holds 60% of the shareholding in BAFCO or Bahrain Aviation Fuelling Company. Purpose, Mission, Vision and Value statement of BAPCO: Purpose of the BAPCO includes collaboration and growth in its field of business that is petroleum and related industries. The company aims at maximizing its contribution to the national income of Bahrain by earning more foreign currency and bringing full employment to its own country citizens. Mission of the company is to create value for money for its customers in the domestic and international market by improving its present operation and quality of integrated oil and gas business. Vision of the company is to achieve excellence in its field and push back its competitors. Values of the company include the innovation, integrity, teamwork, respect and personal accountability to its customers and the kingdom of Bahrain. Sustainability Report: Sustainability report contains the information about the economic health of the company, its working internal and external environment, social and legal position of the company. Mostly the sustainability report can be found out in the operations part of the financial report of the company. In this article we will take a look at the financial report of the company in year 2010. The sustainability report of BAPCO can be figured out as follows. Economic factors. The economic factors of the company signify the development and progress of the company in the coming years. The key figures of the company economic factors include the followings.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Endocrine System of the Human Body. To include major organs, Essay
The Endocrine System of the Human Body. To include major organs, physiology and function. The effects of a homeostatic imbalanc - Essay Example The pituitary gland is referred to as the â€Å"master gland†because it highly influences other body organs, and is responsible for producing (1) prolactin in lactating women, (2) growth hormone, (3) adrenocorticotropin, (4) thyroid-stimulating hormone, (5) luteinizing hormone, (6) follicle-stimulating hormone, (7) oxytocin, and (8) antidiuretic hormone (â€Å"The Endocrine†). These hormones produced by the pituitary gland are in turn in-charge with many bodily functions. The hypothalamus acts to start and stop the production of pituitary hormones, according to the body’s need. The thymus is needed for normal immune functions; while the pineal gland is said to influence sleep patterns by producing melatonin. Both testes and ovaries are responsible for sexual traits of men and women, respectively, as the testes produce testosterone and ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone. The thyroid gland, important in metabolism, produces tri-iodothyronine (T3) and thyrox ine (T4). Adrenal glands are made up of the adrenal cortex and medulla, where the former produces hormones essential for life, like glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. The parathyroid glands, on the other hand, are tasked with calcium and phosphorus levels regulation; and the pancreas is vital for insulin and glucagon production to control serum glucose levels.
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